We LOVE pocket mirrors! It's such a small accessory, but it really allows a woman to express herself in her own style when in public. This cute little accessory we feel doesn't really get all the wonderful attention is really deserves. Why stop paying attention to design and style with...

By Shalini Tiwari Read more

Very often our designers search outside their own minds for inspiration for our product designs. During a recent creative session for our personalized Cup and Saucer Sets we noticed that there quite a few innovative "out of the box" folks out there coming up with some very interesting uses for...

By Shalini Tiwari Read more

They just might be! It all comes down to where you are located in the birth order amongst all your Siblings. Yes, you read that correctly, and it's not only intelligence, it may affect other parts of the your personality as well! According to a study published by PNAS in...

By Shalini Tiwari Read more
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